Improvly Speaking

Access the Issue and Push It Out of the Tissue with Susan Bartley

Season 1 Episode 34

I promise the episode title will make more sense once you listen to the episode. :)

It's amazing all that can happen in a year! My bestie Susan Bartley joins the podcast again for a part 2 episode to give some updates about all that happened in her business in 2023.

In the first episode, which was released in April 2023, Susan shared all about her pole journey and why and how she got into pole fitness in the first place. In this part 2 episode, Susan tells us about her new pole studio called Studieaux Heaux! Yes, that's right — Susan now has a brick and mortar pole fitness and aerial sports studio in Columbia, SC! It was always her goal to own a studio, but she thought it would take a few more years to reach that point.  However, the opportunity presented itself in 2023, and Susan knew she had to take it!

We talk all about the new studieaux and also about Be Activated, which is a technique that can help reset the nervous system and correct dysfunctional breathing and movement patterns to decrease injury risk and chronic pain.  Susan has been using the Be Activated principles for over 5 years to prevent injuries and stay grounded. She has recently developed a workshop around incorporating the Be Activated principles into Pole practice. The workshop is called Activate Your Pole. She has also added Be Activated techniques into the warm-up routines at Studieaux Heaux.

This episode has lots of giggling and a little bit of everything else — including Susan calling Dayna out for being a perfectionist (which she's right...for now at least).

You can find out more about Susan here:

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