Improvly Speaking

I Have Arrived at 35, and I'm Ready to Thrive!

Season 1 Episode 18

SPECIAL SOLO BIRTHDAY EPISODE -- I turned 35 in May 2023 (yay!), and I wanted to do a solo episode to highlight this special birthday milestone. Not only is it a mid-thirties milestone, but also this is the age that I always thought I would magically just become confident and love myself. I don't know why I had in my head that I should be confident and feel fully comfortable with myself by age 35, but that's how my 20's brain operated. 

I'm happy to report that I have turned out exactly how I thought I would be at the age of 35 - confident, embracing myself and who I am, and constantly growing and improving. However, I didn't magically become confident, like I thought back in my 20's. I actually worked really hard to gain and develop this confidence, and there was a lot of failing and struggling and questioning myself along the way. 

Have you ever thought there was a magical age for you where you would reach it all and become exactly who you wanted to be? 35 was that age for me, and I unpack my feelings about all that in this episode.  I've been on a 9-10-year journey of improving my public speaking skills, which helped me improve myself overall along the way, and I am so happy I embarked on that journey.  Age 35 would have looked much different if I didn't start that journey.

I am excited about this age now and where I am, and I look forward to seeing what comes next! Cheers, darling, to many more years of fun, adventure, and growth! 

Fair Warning: I rhyme 35 with arrive, thrive, and alive quite a bit in this episode! I couldn't resist... Don't say I didn't warn you. 

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