Improvly Speaking
Dayna Gowan is a speaker, improviser, and Facilitator of Fun, and the Founder of Improvly Speaking. Each episode, she brings you golden, beautiful, delicious nuggets of wisdom about public speaking, improv, performance, creativity and anything in between. Learning public speaking and improvisation skills has changed her life and made her a more confident speaker, colleague, and friend. Listeners will be inspired to face their public speaking fears, try new things, flex their creativity muscles, and say “Yes, and…” to challenges and roadblocks in both their personal and professional lives.
Improvly Speaking
Saying Yes, and... to Adult Learning Best Practices with Dr. Carrie Graham
Have you ever sat through a presentation, conference session, or workplace training and thought, "Well, that's an hour of my life I won't get back!," after it's over? Chances are that the presenter or speaker didn't make the content applicable to you, didn't make it engaging to keep your attention, gave too much information that it was overwhelming, or didn't offer a chance for you to practice and apply the skills learned, among many other reasons.
Dr. Carrie Graham is working to fix that so that your audience never becomes disengaged from your message again and your learning outcomes can soar! Carrie is based in Charlotte and is the owner of Carrie O. Graham Learning & Solutions, and she helps businesses improve learner engagement, information retention, and skill application by integrating adult learning best practices into their trainings.
What are adult learning best practices? Well, Carrie explains these best practices very well in this episode, but one principle to keep in mind is that adults learn best when they understand why this topic is important to their work or business. Adults bring many life experiences with them to these trainings, and they are more apt to learn new knowledge when it is demonstrated how this topic and training applies to their life experiences and work.
Also, there is the adult learning practice of skills application, which can create experiential learning. That is where applied improv comes in! Applied improvisation exercises allow participants to practice the related skills in a low-stakes environment and then reflect on how the skill, tool, and lesson learned can apply to and also help improve their work and personal life.
In this episode, we discuss some very helpful adult learning practices that should be taken into account whenever presenting to a group of adults. Dayna even has some light bulb moments of her own that help her understand and relate it back to her own work as an applied improv facilitator.
As Carrie states in the episode, "If you are in the business of educating people who are over 25 years old, you can benefit from adult learning best practices!" Check this episode out to come up with your own light bulb moments for your next presentations, workshops, and trainings!
You can learn more about Carrie and her work here:
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